Service Times
Sunday School - 10:00am
Sunday Morning Worship - 11:00am
Sunday Evening Worship - 6:00pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 7:00pm
Music & Worship
Our music is a blend of traditional and contemporary. We seek to sing songs that reflect truth about God and the gospel, including a mix of modern and ancient Christian music. Our style is more traditional, but passionate, as we are accompanied by a piano, keyboard, and guitar. Each worship service includes time of singing, corporate prayer, a time of giving, and a time for the preaching of God’s Word. The preaching is followed by an invitation to respond to God in a way that is appropriate to the sermon.
Child Care
We offer a clean, well-supervised nursery for babies and toddlers. We have a graded 10am Sunday School, a vibrant Super Church program during the 11am service called Lions (1st – 5th grade) and Lambs (age 3 – kindergarten). On Wednesday nights we also have an AWANA club for ages 3 – 6th grade (Sept – May). Sunday evenings in the fall we offer a Kids Choir experience that is filled with fun and music, leading up to a Christmas performance.