BapTab Teens
Our Teen Department is always busy! We typically have 1 large activity per month with a small afterglow activity at the church or a Youth Leaders home each month.
We also have a very active social media presence.
We currently utilize a private Facebook group where only approved members can see our content.
We also have a YouTube channel for posting videos of our activities.
Please feel free to check out our pages and content below and please click the subscribe button to our YouTube Channel and feel free to give us the “thumbs up” on videos you like!
If you would like to join our Facebook group please click on the Facebook link below and then click “join”.
Facebook YouTube Events
Teen Reconnect
Teen ReConnect meets every Wednesday at 7 PM.
We are currently studying I & II Peter as a "personality test" for each of us. This study will look into several events that occurred while Peter was following Jesus and a look into the writings of Peter. This will be a great study, as we learn more about ourselves and serving God!
Teen Sunday School
Our Teen Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10am in "the Garage" that is located in the adjacent church property. As a church owned house, "the Garage" has been renovated for primary use by our Teen Department. “The Garage” is fully heated and air conditioned with comfortable seating for all! It is an open environment where all are welcomed to be a part of our class family!
Come join us as we seek God's will for our lives, study God's Word, enjoy friends, and fellowship with fun activities.
Random Acts of Kindness
We regularly do random acts of kindness (RAKS’s) and service opportunities that allow us to demonstrate God's Love to our Church Family and our surrounding Community!
Connect with our Leaders
Scott and Aimee Price continuously, lovingly pour their lives into the BapTab teens as they pass on the Truth of God’s Word to the next generation.
If you would like more information or are interested in becoming a part of our Youth Group please click the “connect” button below and Scott or Aimee will respond to you!
We also have a van ministry and would love the opportunity to serve anyone who needs a ride to our Church!